Graphic work for logo creation or promotional design layouts is $75 per hour. In regards to Graphic Timeline it can very in the time it takes as well as the overall cost to complete the graphic work for many different valid reasons. To better serve the leaders we are providing graphic work for, we try to eliminate the things that causes unnecessary graphic hours and high cost for graphics by taking the following in to consideration prior to starting the project.
The above is typical in the industry and time consuming, that’s why the industry pricing for graphics are high and graphic work is charged by the hour.
With Gospelbiz, if we are creating a new graphic or logo we try as much as possible to eliminate miscommunication and hourly cost by providing a stock photo/graphic collage sample to show to the leader of what we believe is the desired direction of the graphic for clarity before starting the project. Graphic designs can be a Picture, a Graphic or a Drawing, each one is a different project. Click on the link below to find our flat rate for Graphic Design and other needed services, then return to complete form.
One Design: SELECT DESIGN Drawing Graphic Layout Picture Editing Other * Type other here: .
Time Sensitive: 48 HOURS DESIGN Not Needed in 48 Hrs. 48 Hours -1 Logo $55.00 48 Hours 1/4 Pg. $55.00 48 Hours 1/2 Pg. $110.00 48 Hours 3/4 Pg. $165.00 48 Hours Full Pg. $220.00 Other * Type other here: .
Time Sensitive: 24 HOURS DESIGN Not Needed in 24 Hrs. 24 Hours -1 Logo $75.00 24 Hours 1/4 Pg. $75.00 24 Hours 1/2 Pg. $150.00 24 Hours 3/4 Pg. $225.00 24 Hours Full Pg. $300.00 Other * Type other here:
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