Greater South Central Missionary Baptist
Church Ministries
Sunday School Department
The sole objective of the Sunday School
Staff is to teach the Word of God. It gives
the assurance that everyone will come to
know God, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit for themselves.
The classes provide an atmosphere and
instruction that will develop Christ-like
character in teachers and students.
To properly develop Christians the Holy
Bible says that we must:
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and
lean not unto thine own understanding. In
all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall
direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
New Members Orientation
New Members Orientation is designed to
provide each new member with the doctrinal
principles of the Greater South Central
Missionary Baptist Church.
Orientation is provided to introduce new
members to the church, the Church’s mission,
and the Church’s auxiliaries and committees.
The orientation lessons cover specific
passages from the Bible, what we believe as
a Church, contemporary Issues, the Church
covenant and bylaws. A member of the
Orientation Staff is available to guide and
direct new members during the orientation
period. The orientation period is four weeks
for adults and two weeks for youth.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School Courses are designed
for all ages to promote Christian growth in
the following areas:
Spiritual development begins with the
study of biblical principles.
Bible learning is increased through
Bible Centered lessons, Bible verse
memorization, and hands on Bible activities.
Social development is enhanced during
supervised games, and group activities that
teach fairness and honesty.
Cultural awareness is heightened when
historical and contemporary contributions to
the world are highlighted.
Educational development
is enhanced through age-appropriate
activities and creative crafts.
Self-esteem is built through Bible
Department Ministry
The Youth Department’s mission is to
EQUIP the youth of our church,
with strong Christian beliefs.
On one side stand parents and adults, many
puzzled and scared by the rapidly changing
world of our children and teens. A parent
may ask, “How will my child ever hear the
still small voice of God with all those
other voices?”
On the other side, stand children and teens
longing for parents and adults willing and
able to help them through the confusing maze
of today’s youth culture.
Today’s children and teens will be a “lost
generation” if we forsake our God-given
responsibility to
The Deacon Staff Ministry
These men have been chosen under the divine
guidance from the Holy Spirit to help assist
and serve the membership of Greater South
Central Missionary Baptist Church.
The Deacon Staff is here to serve God
through assisting the Pastor and
Parishioners in a variety of areas. The list
includes, but is not limited to, the
administering of the Ordinances, (Baptism
and The Lord’s Supper), charity, caretaking
of membership concerns, the maintenance of
physical plant and properties, evangelism,
planning and execution of Church goals,
managing financial affairs, security,
teaching and the provision of general
leadership and support to all other
The desire of the staff is to represent God
in its tasking, the church and community in
a spirit-filled fashion to ensure the
accomplishment of His objectives. In short,
we are here to serve.
“Likewise must the deacons be grave, not
double tongued, not given to much wine, nor
greedy of filthy lucre; Holding the mystery
of the faith in a pure conscience. And let
these also first be proved; then let them
use the office of a deacon, being found
blameless.” I Timothy 3:8-10.
The Deaconess Ministry
The deaconess is chosen by the pastor and
the church because of her special
qualifications and her husband being on the
Deacons’ or Ministers’ staff. The Deaconess
are: God fearing, Reverent, Caring,
Faithful, Responsible, Spiritually mature,
Patient, Sound judgment, Kind,
Understanding, Compassionate, and
Responsibilities Include:
Baptismal Preparation Ministry – This
ministry shares instructions and provides
assistance to individuals scheduled to be
baptized. This includes ensuring that
counseling has occurred and procedures are
reviewed before a person is baptized.
Communion Preparation Ministry - This
ministry team prepares the table before
Communion service on the 1st
Sunday of each month. The team is
specifically responsible for the inventory
of supplies, the cleaning of serving trays,
and the storage of all fixtures and
Missionary Society Ministry – This ministry
works with the Mission President in visiting
the sick, comforting the bereaved and
counseling of women, and assist the Pastor
and Deacons in their work to promote
spiritual growth of the Church.
Women's Missionary Society Ministry
The Mission of the Greater South Central is
to reach lost souls, to serve, and to
minister to others:
Witness to those who do not know Christ
Minister to Sick and Shut-ins
Provide Food for the Hungry
Comfort the Bereaved
Nursing Home Visitations
Community Outreach
The aim of the Mission is to increase in
Christian Growth and Development Through:
Weekly Mission Bible Study
Teaching, Praying and Sharing Experiences
Witnessing to Each Other
In Charge of Fifth Sunday Morning Worship
Usher Board Ministry
The Greater South Central Usher Ministry is
comprised of two boards: Senior and Youth.
The Ushers have the responsibility of
greeting everyone, providing church
literature and seeing to the needs of the
Pastor, congregation, and guest. They are a
dedicated group of men, women, boys and
girls devoted to the servant-hood of Christ,
while ministering to the sick and shut-in
and providing assistance to the needy,
conducting Usher workshops on and off site,
along with working, praying, fellowshipping
and serving the Lord with all due diligence.
Brotherhood Ministry
The Brotherhood Ministry provides
opportunities for personal growth, maturity
and encouragement to be God’s man. This
includes a weekly Bible or brotherhood
manual study, breakfasts, social activities,
retreats and other events to help men become
all God wants them to be.
The ministry advocates certain practices,
principles, and ideas such as:
Regard for leadership
Undergirding the whole
program of the church
Respect for the rights of
The absolute duty of each
brother to live a Christ-like life
The necessity of
The obligation of every
brother to pay his tithes
The right of every
brother to use his talents and the
opportunity to develop his faculties
To deepen spirituality
To promote religious
intelligence and to lead the lost to
The men of Greater South
Central Missionary Baptist Church diligently
follow the brotherhood Motto of: “Teach the
word in the home with a consecrated heart,
following in the footsteps of
the Savior, leading all men to God.”
Nurses Guild Ministry
A Nurses Guild is an organization with a
constituency made up of volunteer members of
the local church, formed for mutual aid and
protection and to give service in the church
and community. Services include: first aid,
emergency care, nursery care, hospital
visits, church service, funerals, weddings,
disaster, health fairs, lectures, CPR
Instructions, and mentoring. Any member of
the church who is interested in nursing
services …………… Professionals or
non-professionals, over fourteen years of
age may become a member of the Nurses
Media Ministry
This ministry is to foster the outreach of
the gospel by utilizing the technology of
the time, and to support the church in all
efforts to further the word of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ. Maintain quality in
products, provide audio/video documentation
of events or meetings, and execute as an arm
of the church to heighten spiritual
“ But blessed are your eyes, for they see:
and your ears, for they hear.”
The Audio Ministry of Greater
South Central provides audio tapes of church
services as an outreach ministry to the sick
and shut-in, nursing home residents, as well
as tapes for members of the congregation who
cannot attend church services. These tapes
are also used to document events and
meetings held at the church. The audio staff
consists of dedicated members edifying the
gospel via audio technology.
The Video Ministry of Greater
South Central utilizes state-of-the-art
video equipment which offers the best
quality recording for the outreach ministry.
Coupled with the Audio Ministry, the Media
Ministry strives to facilitate spiritual
growth while enhancing our performance
through the continued outreach of the
gospel. God has made provisions for Greater
South Central to serve many communities.
Music Ministry
The Ministry of Music must lead all
believers to Worship God, to give God the
glory, praise, honor and thanks due Him for
who He is, and for what He has done.
We sing songs that prepare ones heart for
the word that they might be led to Christ
and receive Him as their personal Savior.
This task is Evangelism.
Vitalizing the Ministry of Music in Greater
South Central is glorification that is
uplifting and inspiring the soul of God and
the edification of the body.
These three form the basis for the purpose
of having a Ministry of Music: Worship,
Evangelism, and Glorification.
We must be about our Father’s business,
letting the world know through the medium of
sacred music, that He lives! We thank God
for the ability, the will, and the
“Let the word of
Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom;
teaching and admonishing one another in
psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing with grace in your hearts to the
Lord.” Colossians 3:16
Transportation Ministry
The Transportation Ministry
is composed of church member(s) that provide
their time and God given skills to provide
transportation to church worship services
and activities.
If you need transportation to services
please place your request at least 24 hours
prior to the required time of pick-up.